zachman Archive

  • Companies like innovation. But they won't be early adopters of an ill-defined and constantly changing mindset. They'll wait for it to calm down a bit, solidify and congeal. Then they'll slowly roll it out and gradually update it over time. Suggesting they take an ADHD approach of constant churn and ongoing rip and replace of the latest EA theories doesn't help them or us as practitioners.

    On the Bleeding Edge

    Companies like innovation. But they won't be early adopters of an ill-defined and constantly changing mindset. They'll wait for it to calm down a bit, solidify and congeal. Then they'll slowly roll it out and gradually update it over time. Suggesting they take an ADHD approach of constant churn and ongoing rip and replace of the latest EA theories doesn't help them or us as practitioners.

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  • EA, like the business and IT philosophies that underpin it, is constantly changing. If enterprise architecture is an architecture in which the system in question is the whole enterprise (including business processes, technologies, and information systems), then there will always be dynamism to it. These elements and components are under constant change.

    The Illusory Maturity of EA

    EA, like the business and IT philosophies that underpin it, is constantly changing. If enterprise architecture is an architecture in which the system in question is the whole enterprise (including business processes, technologies, and information systems), then there will always be dynamism to it. These elements and components are under constant change.

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  • EA doesn't institute agility. When adopted and executed properly, it helps structure an enterprise so that it can move with agility if it chooses to do so. The practice of Enterprise Architecture enables a company to respond to change.

    Responding to Change: EA & Agility

    EA doesn't institute agility. When adopted and executed properly, it helps structure an enterprise so that it can move with agility if it chooses to do so. The practice of Enterprise Architecture enables a company to respond to change.

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