Diamond Archive

  • The vision is important. The purpose of the organization and its mission are critical to get right. Without it, how do you know what your objectives are? How do you know what you're doing? How do you measure your activities? How do you know you're being successful? How do you know you won't be reorg'd into the unemployment line?

    Who Needs a Vision?

    The vision is important. The purpose of the organization and its mission are critical to get right. Without it, how do you know what your objectives are? How do you know what you're doing? How do you measure your activities? How do you know you're being successful? How do you know you won't be reorg'd into the unemployment line?

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  • I want to spend some time relating some of the things I've learned about working with enterprise architecture. There are far too many people running around calling themselves enterprise architects with no clue what it actually means. I think the IT industry itself does a poor job as a whole understanding the needs of its most important customer, the business. Quite honestly, I think the industry might often be wrong.

    Why Talk About EA?

    I want to spend some time relating some of the things I've learned about working with enterprise architecture. There are far too many people running around calling themselves enterprise architects with no clue what it actually means. I think the IT industry itself does a poor job as a whole understanding the needs of its most important customer, the business. Quite honestly, I think the industry might often be wrong.

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