Archive for August, 2010

  • The vision is important. The purpose of the organization and its mission are critical to get right. Without it, how do you know what your objectives are? How do you know what you're doing? How do you measure your activities? How do you know you're being successful? How do you know you won't be reorg'd into the unemployment line?

    Who Needs a Vision?

    The vision is important. The purpose of the organization and its mission are critical to get right. Without it, how do you know what your objectives are? How do you know what you're doing? How do you measure your activities? How do you know you're being successful? How do you know you won't be reorg'd into the unemployment line?

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  • Architects often struggle to articulate what they do, what the value is that they provide. Consulting firms make millions helping folks with strategies to describe, highlight and demonstrate that value. How can it be that years and years into the maturation of Enterprise Architecture we still have problems telling the business why they need us?

    Is Enterprise Architecture even worthwhile?

    Architects often struggle to articulate what they do, what the value is that they provide. Consulting firms make millions helping folks with strategies to describe, highlight and demonstrate that value. How can it be that years and years into the maturation of Enterprise Architecture we still have problems telling the business why they need us?

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